Alam Shah | Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Alam Shah
Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Alam Shah
Alam S
Kamei Shigeru
Kamei S
Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Kamei Shigeru
Iwate Univ. Morioka Jpn
Kawai Shigenao
Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Kamei Shigeru
Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Akiha Fumihito
Laboratory Of Radio Isotope Iwate University
河合 成直
- Concentrations of Iron and Phytosiderophores in Xylem Sap of Iron-Deficient Barley Plants
- Effect of low phosphorus and iron-deficient conditions on phytosiderophore release and mineral nutrition in barley(Plant Nutrition)
- Effects of Excess Manganese and Metal Chelators on Micronutrient Concentrations in the Xylem Sap of Iron-Deficient Barley Plants
- Diurnal Variations in Absorption and Translocation of a Ferrated Phytosiderophore in Barley as Affected by Iron Deficiency(Plant Nutrition)
- 9-27 Mechanism of potassium alleviation of manganese phytotoxicity in barley
- Mechanism of Potassium Alleviation of Manganese Phytotoxicity in Barley Evaluated by Short-Term Absorption of Manganese-54 and Iron-59
- Mechanism of Potassium Alleviation of Manganese Phytotoxicity in Barley Evaluated by Short-Term Absorption of Manganese-54 and Iron-59 (Plant Nutrition)
- Alleviation of Manganese Toxicity and Manganese-Induced Iron Deficiency in Barley by Additional Potassium Supply in Nutrient Solution
- Effect of Iron Deficiency on the Chemical Composition of the Xylem Sap of Barley
- Metal Micronutrients in Xylem Sap, of Iron-Deficient Barley as Affected by Plant-Borne, Microbial, and Synthetic Metal Chelators