HONDA Kazuhisa | Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kobe University
HONDA Kazuhisa
Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kobe University
Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kobe University
Honda Kazuhisa
Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Kobe University
Hasegawa S
Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Kobe University
Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kobe University
Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kobe University
Motoki Tohru
Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Kobe University
Tamaki M
Shionogi Research Laboratories Shionogi And Co. Ltd.
Tamaki M
Shionogi Research Laboratories Shionogi & Co. Ltd.
HONDA Kazuhisa
Central Research Institute, Itoham food Inc.
- Effects of dietary fat levels on amino acid digestibility at different sites of chicken intestines
- Effects of dietary protein levels on amino acid digestibility at different sites of male adult chicken intestines
- Effects of Dietary Fat Levels on Amino Acid Digestibility at Different Sites of Chicken Intestines
- Effect of Dietary Coenzyme Q10 on Cholesterol Metabolism in Growing Chickens
- Transfer of Dietary Coenzyme Q10 into the Egg Yolk of Laying Hens
- 鶏におけるグルカゴン様ペプチド-1の脳内投与による接食抑制効果に及ぼす食餌性タンパク質の影響
- Effects of Dietary Protein Levels on Amino Acid Digestibility at Different Sites of Male Adult Chicken Intestines
- Effects of Dietary Fat Levels on Nutrient Digestibility at Different Sites of Chicken Intestines
- Effects of Dietary Protein Levels on the Nutrient Digestibility at Different Sites of Chicken Intestines
- Isolation of cDNA Encoding Carboxypeptidase A from Chicken Pancreas