Takemura Genzou | The second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
Takemura Genzou
The second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
Minatoguchi Shinya
The second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
Minatoguchi Shinya
The Second Department Of Internal Medicine Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Maruyama Rumi
岐阜大学 病態情報解析医学
Maruyama Rumi
岐阜大学 医学部第二内科
Fujiwara Hisayoshi
The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University
藤原 久義
岐阜大学 大学院医学研究科東洋医学講座
藤原 久義
藤原 久義
兵庫県立尼崎病院 循環器内科
Fujiwara Hisayoshi
Hyogo Prefectural Amagasaki Hospital
- PJ-137 Critical Role of Autophagy in Prevention of Acute Myocardial Infarct Expansion(PJ023,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Pathophysiology/Treatment/Basic) (IHD),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- IS156 Apoptotic Ultrastructual Changes of Cardiomyocytes Induced by Fas Stimulation Proceed Even Without DNA Fragmentation
- FRS-010 Critical Functional Significance and Morphological Characterization of Basal and Starvation-Induced Autophagy in the Adult Heart(Novel Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Heart Failure(M),Featured Research Session,The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting o
- Fifteen-Year Follow-up of a Heterozygous Fabry's Disease Patient Associated with Pre-excitation Syndrome
- Ubiquitous Expression of Stem Cell Antigen-1 in Cardiac Endothelium (Apoptosis/Necrosis/Regeneration 2 (M), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)