Yokobori Shin-ichi | School of Life Sciences, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences
School of Life Sciences, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences | 論文
- Structure of an Unsaturated Fatty Acid with Unique Vicinal Dimethyl Branches Isolated from the Okinawan Soft Coral of the Genus Sinularia
- Molecular Phylogenetic Relationships Between Prostanoid-Containing Okinawan Soft Coral (Clavularia viridis) and Nonprostanoid-Containing Clavularia Species Based on Ribosomal ITS Sequences
- Isolation of Peridinin-Related Norcarotenoids with Cell Growth-Inhibitory Activity from the Cultured Dinoflagellate of Symbiodinium sp., a Symbiont of the Okinawan Soft Coral Clavularia viridis, and Analysis of Fatty Acids of the Dinoflagellate
- Isolation of Three Marine Prostanoids, Possible Biosynthetic Intermediates for Clavulones, from the Okinawan Soft Coral Clavularia viridis
- Structure of Cymbidine A, a Monomeric Peptidoglycan-Related Compound with Hypotensive and Diuretic Activities, Isolated from a Higher Plant, Cymbidium goeringii (Orchidaceae)