大島 義文 | 東工大理工:東工大総理工
論文 | ランダム
- A Solid-State Multicolor Light-Emitting Device Based on Ballistic Electron Excitation
- Characteristics of Light Emission by Ballistic Electron Excitation in Nanocrystalline Silicon Device Formed on a p-Type Substrate
- Growth of InMnAsSb/InSb Heterostructures with Mid-Infrared-Light-Induced Ferromagnetic Properties
- Basic Data for CO2 Flux Monitoring of a Young Larch Plantation:Current Status of a Mature, Mixed Conifer-Broadleaf Forest Stand
- Nitrogen Depth Profiling in Ultrathin Silicon Oxynitride Films with High-Resolution Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy