ARAI Soichi | Department of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Tokyo
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Tokyo | 論文
- The Gene Responsible for Tunicamycin Resistance, tmrB, in Bacillus subtilis(Microbilolgy & Fermentation Industry)
- Gene Amplification of the amy E-tmrB Region in Bacillus subtilis
- Mutational Site in Tunicamycin-resistant Mutation tmrB8 of Bacillus subtilis as Revealed at the Nucleotide Sequence Level(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- recE-Dependent Gene Amplification Induced by a Tunicamycin-resistant Mutation (tmrA7) in Bacillus subtilis(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Synergically Increased Expression of CD36, CLA-1 and CD-68, but Not of SR-A and LOX-1, with the Progression to Foam Cells from Macrophages