Kim Bong-jun | Etri
Kim Bong-jun
Lee Yong
Pukyong U.
Chae Byung-gyu
Yun Sun
Basic Research Laboratory Etri
Choi Sungyoul
Kim Hyun-Tak
CHOI Sungyoul
IT-Convergence & Components Lab., Electronics and Tele-Communications Research Institute (ETRI)
KIM Bong-Jun
IT-Convergence & Components Lab., Electronics and Tele-Communications Research Institute (ETRI)
LEE Yong
IT-Convergence & Components Lab., Electronics and Tele-Communications Research Institute (ETRI)
IT-Convergence & Components Lab., Electronics and Tele-Communications Research Institute (ETRI)
KIM Hyun-Tak
IT-Convergence & Components Lab., Electronics and Tele-Communications Research Institute (ETRI)
Lee Yong
Yun Sun
Han Kang-Jeon
Chungnam Univ.
Lim Yong-Sik
Kunkuk Univ.
CHAE Byung-Gyu
Basic Research Laboratory, ETRI
KIM Hyun-Tak
Basic Research Laboratory, ETRI
KIM Bong-Jun
Basic Research Laboratory, ETRI
KANG Kwang-Yong
Basic Research Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
LEE Byoungho
School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University
CHAE Byung-Gyu
IT-Convergence & Components Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
Yee Ki-Ju
Chungnam Univ.
YUN Sun-Jin
Basic Research Laboratory, ETRI
LEE Yong-Wook
Basic Research Laboratory, ETRI
Lee Yong-Wook
Yun Sun-Jin
Kang Kwang-Yong
LEE Yong
Basic Research Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
HAN Kyung
School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University
JUNG Jaehoon
School of Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering, Dankook University
Chae Byung-gyu
Basic Research Laboratory Electronics And Telecommunications Research Institute
Jung Jaehoon
School Of Electrical Electronics And Computer Engineering Dankook University
Lee Byoungho
School Of Electrical Engineering Seoul National University
Kim Bong-Jun
Basic Research Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Gajeong-Dong, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon 305-350, Korea
Kim Hyun-Tak
Basic Research Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Gajeong-Dong, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon 305-350, Korea
- 25aRG-1 Motto-transition induced electrical oscillation in VO_2
- Synthesis of VO_2 Nanowire and Observation of the Metal-Insulator Transition
- Programmable VO_2 temperature sensor controlled by a constant voltage
- 20pWG-12 Mott metal-insulator transition (MIT) & structural phase transition (SPT) : analysis of coherent phonons in VO_2
- 20pWG-13 Separation of Mott metal-insulator transition and structural phase transition in VO_2
- Comparative Analysis of VO_2 Thin Films Prepared on Sapphire and SiO_2/Si Substrates by the Sol-Gel Process
- 28aUE-9 Mott transition observed by micro-Raman scattering in VO_2
- Polarization-Insensitive Discrimination of Strain and Temperature Based on Long-Period Fiber Grating Inscribed on High-Birefringent Fiber Ended with Faraday Rotator Mirror
- Synthesis of VO2 nanowire and observation of metal-insulator transition (Special issue: Solid state devices and materials)