小山 博史 | 東京大学大学院医学系研究科 公共健康医学専攻 医療科学講座 臨床情報工学分野
論文 | ランダム
- グローバリゼーションと時間-空間変容についての一考察
- Regio- and Stereochemical Study of Sex Pheromone of Pine Sawfly; Diprion nipponica
- Improving Effect of Feeding with a Phosphorylated Guar Gum Hydrolysate on Calcium Absorption Impaired by Ovariectomy in Rats
- Increased Intestinal Calcium Absorption from the Ingestion of a Phosphorylated Guar Gum Hydrolysate Independent of Cecal Fermentation in Rats
- Effect of a Phosphorylated Guar Gum Hydrolysate on Increased Calcium Solubilization and the Promotion of Calcium Absorption in Rats