磯山 龍二 | 日本技術開発 (株) 地震防災室
論文 | ランダム
- 角化異常症--汗孔角化症における角栓の角化像について (特集 電顕で皮膚病に迫る)
- Ultrasonic investigation of quantum criticality of the polycrystal compound YbAuCu4 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Heavy Electrons 2010 (ICHE2010))
- Comparison of DNA and protein polymorphisms between humans and chimpanzees
- On the Parallel between Zipf's Law and 1/f Processes in Chaotic Systems Possessing Coexisting Attractors : A Possible Mechanism for Language Formation in the Cerebral Cortex : General and Mathematical Physics
- The Difference in Serum Cholesterol Values between Brazilians and Japanese-Brazilians and Their Life Styles