安倍 福雄 | Tokyo Biochemical Research Institute
岡田 正志
Tokyo Biochemical Research Institute
松井 道夫
Tokyo Biochemical Research Institute
安倍 福雄
Tokyo Biochemical Research Institute
岡田 正志
木村 恭子
Tokyo Biochemical Research Institute
國包 みどり
Tokyo Biochemical Research Institute
渡辺 緩与
Tokyo Biochemical Research Institute
鰐部 多満江
Tokyo Biochemical Research Institute
- Comparative Studies on the Metabolic Hydrogenation of the Ring A in Testosterone and Its Conjugates by Male Rat Liver in Vitro
- In Vitro Metabolism of Testosterone Sulfate and Testosterone Tetrahydropyranyl Ether in Male Rat Liver
- Studies on the Glucaric Acid Pathway in the Metabolism of D-Glucuronic Acid in Mammals. IV. Fluorometric Method for the Determination of D-Glucaric Acid in Serum