springer | 論文
- Parallel Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Weighted Matching in General Graphs
- Anonymity-enhanced Pseudonym System
- Cytokine responses of intraepithelial lymphocytes are regulated by histamine H2 receptor
- Effect of selenium on uranium biosorption
- Relationship between copper biosorption and microbial inhibition of hydroxyl radical formation in a copper(II)–hydrogen peroxide system
- A Novelty-based Clustering Method for On-line Documents
- Resolving the limitation: regulation debate
- Application of thermoresponsive HPLC to forensic toxicology: determination of barbiturates in human urine
- p53 dominant-negative mutant R273H promotes invasion and migration of human endometrial cancer HHUA cells
- STS in Japan in light fo the science café movement
- Are Services Functions?
- Intrathecal cocaine delivery enables long-access self-administration with binge-like behavior in mice
- Ant-based Survivable Routing in Dynamic WDM Networks with Shared Backup Paths
- Estimating a mean matrix: boosting efficiency by multiple affine shrinkage
- T-Scroll : Visualizing Trends in a Time-series of Documents for Interactive User Exploration
- Multi-Agent-Based Simulation for Formation of Institutions on Socially Constructed Facts
- Evaluation of the elastic properties of bulk metallic glasses
- A New Approximation Algorithm for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem on a Tree
- Efficient and Unconditionally Secure Verifiable Threshold Changeable Scheme
- Elliptic curves over F_p suitable for cryptosystems