University of Tokyo Press | 論文
- Work Capacity after Iron Treatment as a Function of Hemoglobin and Iron Deficiency
- Characteristics of Blood Gas in Response to Iron Treatment and Exercise in Iron-Deficient and Anemic Subjects
- Effect of Meals with Milk on Body Iron Stores and Improvement of Dietary Habit during Weight Loss in Female Rhythmic Gymnasts
- Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of vitamins D and related compounnds
- Simultaneous determination of eight vitamin D2 isomers by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
- Relative Importance of Phytohemagglutinin(Lectin) and Trypsin-Chymotrypsin Inhibitor on Bean(Phaseolus vulgaris L) Protein Absorption and Utilization by the Rat
- Decreased Turnovers of Glutathione and Ascorbic Acid in Watanabe Heritable Hyperlipidemic Rabbits
- Inhibitory Effect of δ-Tocotrienol, a HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitor, on Monocyte-Endothelial Cell Adhesion
- Effect of Long-Term Alcohol Administration on Bone Metabolism in Rats
- Effects of Ovariectomy on Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase Expression in Rats
- Effect of Low Protein Diets on Free Amino Acids in Plasma of Young Men:Effect of Wheat Gluten Diet
- Utilization of N-Acetyl-L-Tryptophan Given Intravenously to Unrestrained Adult Rats
- Effect of Quality and Quantity of Dietary Protein on Free Amino Acids in Plasma and Tissues of Adult Rats
- Effects of Dietary Protein or Amino Acids in the Perfusion Medium on Amino Acid Metabolism in Perfused Adult Rat Liver
- Influence of Restricted Diet on Epithelial Renewal and Maturation in the Mice Jejunum
- Influence of Restricted Diet on the Cell Renewal of the Mouse Small Intestine
- Influence of Restricted Diet on the Cell Cycle in the Crypt of Mouse Small Intestine
- Changes in Lipid Synthesis in Rat Adipose Tissue During Development
- Effects of Vitamin A Deficiency on Thyroid Function and Serum Thyroxine Levels in the Rat
- Effect of Early Feeding on Cellularity of Rat Adipose Tissue