Society for Asian Folklore | 論文
- The Japanese Way of Tea: From Its Origins in China to Sen Rikyu. By Sen Soshitsu 15
- From Oral Tradition to "Folk Art": Reevaluating Bengali Scroll Paintings
- Book Review Kochuan shishi xue--Ranpile "Jiangge'er"chengshi jufa yanjiu.By Chao Gejin.
- A Description of Jiangjing(Telling Scriptures) Services in Jingjiang, China
- BOOK REVIEWS/CHINA: Chinese Storytellers: Life and Art in the Yangzhou Tradition. By Vibeke Bordahl and Jette Ross
- Suzhou pingtan wenxuan,disan ce[Selected Writings on Suzhou Pingtan Storytelling,Volume Three].By Wu Zongxi.
- Lunan Yizu mizhijie yishige yiliao, Lunan Yiwen guji congshu and Yizu Sani jisici yiliao, Shilin Yiwen gudian congshu
- Bangx hxak:Miaozu guge gehua(Song Flowers:Song Flowers of the Ancient Songs of the Miao Nationality).Edited by 貴州省民族事務委員会民族語文弁公室.
- Chinese Folk Songs and Folk Singers: Shan'ge Traditions in Southern Jiangsu, By Antoinet Schimmelpenninck
- Japan Gods and Goblins: Japanese Folk Paintings from Otsu. By Meher McArthur
- BOOK REVIEWS/CHINA: Briefe aus Shanghai 1946-1952. Dokumente eines Kulturschocks. By Rene Schnell
- Book Review Spirit of Siberia--Traditional life,Clothing,and Footwear.By Jill Oakes and Rick Riewe.
- Taiga,terre de chamans.By Marc Garanger and Roberte N.Hamayon.
- Word Mythology:An Annotated Guide to Collections and Anthologies.By Thomas J.Sienkewicz
- Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism (26) Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of World Authors from Classical Antiquity through the Fourteenth Century, from the First Appraisals to Current Evaluations. Edited by Amy K. Crook, Jelena O. Krstovic, D
- Book Review Chinas Old Dwellings.By Roland G.Knapp.
- Civilization and Monsters: Spirits of Modernity in Meiji Japan. By Gerald Figal
- A Stinger in the Tale:"The Sudden Awakening" Ending in East Asian Folktales
- Folk Narrative and World View:Vortage des 10.Kongress der Internationalen Gesellschaft fur Volkserzahlungsforschung(ISFNR),Innsbruck 1992.Edited by Leander Petzoldt.
- Volkskunde und Brauchtumspflege im Nationalsozialismus in Salzburg:Referate Diskussionen, Archivmaterial. Edited by Walburga Haas