Society for Asian Folklore | 論文
- KaaliyaaTTam The Life History of a Performer and the Development of a Performing Art
- Performing Arts of Asia:The Performer as (Inter)Cultural Transmitter.Edited by Clara Barkel.
- The Annual Round of Agricultural Tasks in Dongyang County: Synoptic Illusion or Symbolic Capital?
- A Tower for the Summer Heat. By Li Yu
- The Rousing Drum: Ritual Practice in a Japanese Community. By Scott Schnell
- Concord and Conflict:The Hui Communities in Yunnan Society in a Historical Perspective.By Jianping Wang.
- Origins, Ancestry and Alliance: Explorations in Austronesian Ethnography. Edited by James J. Fox and Clifford Sather
- Songha Sindang:The Tutelary Shrine of T'aeha Village,Ullung Island,Korea
- Poetique du theatre Indien:Lectures du Natyasastra.By Lyne Bansat-Boudon.
- Theatres indiens. Edited by L. Bansat-Boudon
- The Emergence of Kaidan-shu: The Collection of Tales of the Strange and Mysterious in the Edo Period
- Technology and Gender:Fabrics of Power in Late Imperial China. By Francesca Bray
- The Names and Identities of the Boramey Spirits Possessing Cambodian Mediums
- The Gender of the Trick--Female Tricksters and Male Narrators
- BOOK REVIEWS/CHINA: To Live As Long As Heaven and Earth: A Translation and Study of Ge Hong's Traditions of Divine Transcendents. By Robert F. Campany
- BOOK REVIEWS/CHINA: I Ching: An Annotated Bibliography. By Edward Hacker, Steve Moore, Lorraine Pasco
- Yurupari:Studies of an Amazonian Foundation Myth.By Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff.
- Signs of Recognition:Powers and Hazards of Representation in an Indonesian Society.By Webb Keane.
- Naxi and Moso Ethnography: Kin, Rites, Pictographs. Edited by Michael Oppitz and Elisabeth Hsu
- Religion, Gender, and Okinawan Studies