Physical Society of Japan | 論文
- Collective Charge Excitation in a Dimer Mott Insulating System
- Theory of Tunneling Spectroscopy of Multi-Band Superconductors
- ¹²⁵Te Synchrotron-Radiation-Based Mossbauer Spectroscopy of Fe₁.₁Te and FeTe₀.₅Se₀.₅
- Superconductivity in the Ternary Boride Cr₂Re₃B with the β-Mn-Type Structure
- First-Principles Study of Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy and Magnetization in NdFe₁₂, NdFe₁₁Ti, and NdFe₁₁TiN
- Anharmonicity in One-Dimensional Electron–Phonon System
- Production of Ba Metastable State via Superradiance
- Decoherence of interacting electrons in disordered conductors: on the relation between influence functional and diagrammatic approaches (Proceedings of the International Conference on Quantum Transport and Quantum Coherence(Localisation 2002))
- Two-Qubit Gate Operation on Selected Nearest-Neighbor Neutral Atom Qubits
- Analytical Derivation of Power Laws in Firm Size Variables from Gibrat's Law and Quasi-inversion Symmetry : A Geomorphological Approach
- Symmetry Breaking Bifurcation of Two-Component Soliton Modes in an Inverted Nonlinear Random Lattice
- Coexistence of local and band characters in the absorption spectra of solids-1・2-
- Gas–Solid Transition of Quantum Particles Interacting with Inverse-Power-Law Repulsive Potential
- Kagome–Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet NaBa₂Mn₃F₁₁
- Edge States in 2D Lattices with Hopping Anisotropy and Chebyshev Polynomials
- Electron–Phonon Coupling and Superconducting Critical Temperature of the YIr₂Si₂ and LaIr₂Si₂ High-Temperature Polymorphs from First-Principles
- Stagnant Motion in Hamiltonian Dynamics : Mushroom Billiard Case with Smooth Outermost KAM Tori
- Charge and Spin Wiedemann-Franz Law in Superconductor-Ferromagnet-Superconductor Junction
- Dynamical Theory of the Phase Transition in KH2PO4-Type Ferroelectric Crystals
- Evidence of Partial Reconnection during Sawtooth Crash on EAST ELM-Free H-Mode LHCD Plasma