Physical Society of Japan | 論文
- Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov States in Two-Band Superconductors
- Trapped Ultracold Fermions in Double-Well Optical Lattices
- Tunable Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect in Gated Monolayer Graphene in Terahertz Region
- Two-Time Correlation Function of a Two-Dimensional Quantal Rotator in a Colored Noise
- De Haas-van Alphen Effect and Fermi Surface Properties of EuPd₃ with the Trivalent Electronic State
- Concentration Dependence of the Ionic Conductivity in Superionic Conductors
- Prediction of Superconductivity in 3d Transition-Metal Based Antiperovskites via Magnetic Phase Diagram
- Charge Density Wave Accompanied by Spin Density Wave in Mn₃Si
- Quantum Graph Vertices with Minimal Number of Passbands
- Notes on the Pade Approximation for an Anharmonic Oscillator
- Continued Fraction Representation Reilluminated in Formulation of Acoustic-Phonon-Induced Magneto-Optical Transition in Semiconductors
- Zero-Phonon Lines and Phonon Coupling in Neutron Irradiated MgO Crystals
- Mossbauer Study of the Ferroelectric State in Ga-Substituted CuFeO₂
- Coherent Dynamics of Exciton Fine Structure in Uniaxially-Strained GaN
- Evolution of the Electronic State through the Reduction Annealing in Electron-Doped Pr₁.₃₋xLa₀.₇Ce[x]CuO₄₊δ (x = 0.10) Single Crystals : Antiferromagnetism, Kondo Effect, and Superconductivity
- Resonant angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of substitutional solid solutions of CeRu2Si2 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Heavy Electrons 2010 (ICHE2010))
- Wavelength Analysis of Interface between Two Miscible Solutions Observed in Formation of Fractal Pattern
- Path Integral Quantization of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Solitons (Waseda International Symposium on Fundamental Physics--New Perspectives in Quantum Physics) -- (Chapter 1. Fundamental Quantum Theory)
- Thermal Conductivity and Annealing Effects in the Iron-Based Superconductor FeSe₀.₃Te₀.₇
- Local Density of States in a Helical Tomonaga–Luttinger Liquid of Loop and Josephson Junction Geometries