Osaka University Medical School | 論文
- The metabolism of l-kynurenine by liver preparations
- The role of pyrioxal in methylmercaptan formation,partial purification and resolution of methioninase
- Studies in tropism of leucocytes(1.2)
- Die Retina des Saugetieres(1)-Zusammen fassende Beschreibung vorwiegend auf Grund meiner eigenen Untersuchungen-
- Studies on the tryptophane metabolism
- Asexual reproduction in some young reef corals of Seriatoporidae
- Determination of carbonic anhydrase.
- Neurosecretion during pregnancy,parturition and lactation in rabbits.
- On the vole bacillus
- Morphological aspects of renal tubular transport,pt.1.
- Morphological aspects of renal tubular transport,2
- "Receptor"im Hypothalamus
- Steroid hormones and diabetes mellitus.
- Studies on the transfer of I131-labeled serum lipoproteins into the aorta of rabbits with experimental atherosclerosis.
- "T-tomy",a new technique in extrapyramidal surgery
- Pyrocatecase-A new enzyme catalizing oxidative breakdown of pyrocatechin-
- On the abnormal egg of white rat-The relationship between the cerebral excitatory level and the egg-
- Quantification of the excitability of reflex center in man-reaction time and magnitude of response in chlorethyl narcosis-
- On excitability quantification of reflexcenter;relation between the latency of conditioned avoidance reflex and its excitability
- The frequency curve of the latency of brightness descrimination jumping