Osaka University Medical School | 論文
- Metabolism of tyrosine-〔1〕application of successive adaptation of bacteria for the analysis of the enzymatic breakdown of tyrosine-
- The studies on mechanisms of enzymatic adaptation(7)-Transformation of enzymes-
- Simultaneous determination of the change in the rate of release of thyroidal radioactivity of 131I and the serum level of protein-bound stable iodine following administration of thyroxine(feedback test).
- Experimental studies on the relation of autonomic centers to serumprotein〔2〕
- Potentiation and inhibition of the toxicity of the tetanal culture filtrate
- Some factors relating to the central excitatory level in conditioned jumping behavior
- Provocation of abnormal EEG by intravenous administration of ammonium chloride in patients with hepatic disease.
- A new provocative test by oral ammonium for abnormal electroencephalogram in hepatic encephalopathy.
- Alteration of blood sugar in acute pancreatitis and its pathological physiology.
- Tetanal intoxication and metabolism of central nervous tissue
- Tetanal intoxication and metabolism of central nervous tissue(2)-On the activity of DPN-and TPN-splitting system in the brain of mice intoxicated with tetanal toxin
- Studies on flicker fusion fields by an iso-frequency method.
- Immunological and biological demonstration of antibodies to hog and human thyrotropins.
- Immunological studies on dengue fever
- Effects of single L-thyroxine administration on thyroidectomized male rat pituitary.
- Experimental studies on the mamillary peduncle and mamillotegmental tracts in the rabbit.
- Experimental studies on the fiber connections of the rhinencephalon,1.
- Taxonomical study on fresh-water bryozoa(1)-Fredericella sultana(Blumenbach)-
- Cortico-fugal connections of frontal lobe in man
- Further studies on the gastro-intestinal motility induced by the hypothalamic stimulation of rabbits