Okayama University Medical School | 論文
- Physikalische grund-lagen und medizinische anwendungen des siemens-unterrichts reaktors SUR 100
- No evidence of isovalthinuria in isovaleric acidemia-- brief note
- Influence of thyroid secretion on the induction of leukemia in Dba mice by methylcholanthrene
- Factors Associated with Remission and/or Regression of Microalbuminuria in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Studies on the ocular hypotensive effect of Diamox
- Prevalence and Outcomes of Acute Hepatitis B in Okayama, Japan, 2006-2010
- Ultrastructure of the microfilaria of Brugia pahangi (Buckley and Edeson, 1956) Buckley, 1958
- Purification and characterization of cysteine aminotransferase from rat liver cytosol.
- The effect of non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents on the release of acetylcholine from the right atrium of the guinea pig
- Properties and identification of rat liver cells in long-term cultivation
- Studies on the organellae of liver of cancer bearing animals II. Catalase activity in the liver of animals treated with cyto-plasmic organellae from hepatoma cell (AH 130) and liver cell of the hepatoma bearing animals
- Detection of Fibronectin-Binding Proteins in Clostridium perfringens.
- The Sites of Action of some Histamin-Releasing Substances in the Dog
- imary testicular plasmacytoma: a case report.
- The effect of intraluminal pressure upon the frequency of intestinal contraction waves.
- Formation of antibody to monocomponent insulin in guinea pigs
- Function of the liver cells in the short-term and the long-term cultures. I. Albumim production of the liver cells in vitro
- Endoscopic Mucosal Resection of Primary Anorectal Malignant Melanoma:A Case Report
- Absence of anti-neocarzinostatin (NCS) antibody production in leukemia patients treated with NCS
- Effect of cornin on nucleic acid synthesis during early development in sea urchin eggs