Nanzan University | 論文
- OBITUARY: Kristina Lindell (1928-2005): In Memoriam
- Listen, Rama's Wife!: Maithil Women's Perspectives and Practices in the Festival of Sama Cakeva
- BOOK REVIEWS: PHILIPPINES Shamanism, Catholicism and Gender Relations in Colonial Philippines, 1521-1685. By Caroline Brewer.
- BOOK REVIEWS NEAR EAST Studies on Arab Epics: Oriente Moderno. Edited by Giovanni Canova
- The making of Tojin: construction of the other in early modern Japan
- BOOK REVIEWS/CENTRAL ASIA The Holy Mountain: Studies on Upper Altai Oral Poetry. By Lauri Harvilahti in collaboration with Zoja S. Kazagaceva
- Preaching the Animal Realm in Late Medieval Japan
- Hmong Instruction to the Dead: What the Mouth Organ Qeej Says(Part One)
- Btsisi', Blandas, and Malays: Ethnicity and Identity in the Malay Peninsula Based on Btsisi' Folklore and Ethnohistory
- Shadow Theaters of the World
- Bridal Laments in Rural Hong Kong
- BOOK REVIEWS/CHINA The Taoist Canon: A Historical Companion to the Daozang. Edited by Kristofer Schipper and Franciscus Verellen
- The true history of Shido Temple
- BOOK REVIEWS: KOREA Voices from the Straw Mat: Toward an Ethnography of Korean Story Singing. By Chan E. Park.
- Stories and Language of the Mantauran
- The Revival of Folk Religion and Gender Relationships in Rural China: A Preliminary Observation
- BOOK REVIEWS/CHINA An Introduction to Chinese Culture through the Family. Edited by Howard Giskin and Bettye S. Walsh
- BOOK REVIEWS: INDIA Wall Paintings in North Kerala/India: 1000 Years of Temple Art. By A. Frenz and K. K. Marar.
- BOOK REVIEWS: CHINA Perspectives on the Yi of Southwest China. Edited by Stevan Harrell.
- Culture and Knowledge of the Sacred Instrument Qeej in the Mong-American Community