Nanzan University | 論文
- BOOK REVIEWS/CHINA Ashima wenxian huibian [A Collection of Ashima Literature]; Ashima yuanshi ziliao huibian [A Collection of Ashima Primary Data]; Ashima yanjiu lunwenji [A Collection of Ashima Research Theses]. Edited by Zhao Deguang
- BOOK REVIEWS/General How to Read an Oral Poem.By John Miles Foley.
- BOOK REVIEWS/Chine Yingling yu shihun,Yizu gudai jingji shixue yanjiu.By Bamo Qubumo
- BOOK REVIEWS/JAPAN Religion and Society in Nineteenth-Century Japan: A Study of the Southern Kanto Region, Using Late Edo and Early Meiji Gazetteers. By Helen Hardacre
- BOOK REVIEWS: CENTRAL ASIA Geheimnisvolles Tuwa. Expeditionen in das Herz Asiens. By Sew'jan I. Weinshtein
- Editorial
- BOOK REVIEWS/JAPAN Matsuri! Japanese Festival Arts. By Gloria Ganz Gonick
- Rice: representations and reality
- Editors' introduction (Narratives and rituals in Asian folk religion and culture: Special issue honoring professor Peter Knecht editor of Asian Folklore Studies, 1980-2006)
- Ema Shu's "The Mountain Folk": Fictionalized Ethnography and Veiled Dissent
- Guest Editors' Introduction: Revitalizing Japanese Folklore
- BOOK REVIEWS: JAPAN Tsukiji: The Fish Market at the Center of the World. By Theodore C. Bestor.
- On Cognitive Aspects of Rhetorical Time Reckoning: Metaphor and Image-Schema in Calendrical Divination in Okinawa
- Speaking with Spirits: The Hmong Ntoo Xeeb New Year Ceremony
- Book reviews: General: Korom, Frank J. Hosay Trinidad: Muharram performances in an Indo-Caribbean Diaspora. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003. 9 + 305 pages. Illustrations, table, glossary, bibliography, index. Cloth US$65.00/¢42,50; IS
- Silkworms and Consorts in Nara Japan
- BOOK REVIEWS/SOUTHEAST ASIA Social Science Research and Conservation Management in the Interior of Borneo: Unravelling Past and Present Interactions of People and Forests. Edited by Cristina Eghenter, Bernard Sellato, and G. Simon Devung
- Ordinary religion, extraordinary anthropology: the contributions of Peter Knecht
- BOOK REVIEWS: SOUTHEAST ASIA Cultural Citizenship in Island Southeast Asia: Nation and Belonging in the Hinterlands. Edited by Renato Rosaldo.
- Book reviews: China: Ter Haar, Barend J. Telling stories: witchcraft and scapegoating in Chinese history. Sinica Leidensia 71. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2006. 10 + 382 pages. Tables, illustrations, maps, bibliography index. Hardcover ¢115.00; US$