Mount Hakkoda Botanical Laboratory, Tohoku University | 論文
- 奥入瀬溪谷の河畔林群落〔英文〕
- 飯豊山地の植生〔英文〕
- 微生物に及ぼす界面の影響〔英文〕
- ミヂンコの冬卵の発生開始の要因
- A comparison of rumen and fecal nitrogen concentrations of Sika deer(Cervus nippon) in winter
- Differentiation in vegetation related to micro-scale landforms with special reference to the lower sideslope
- A phytosociological survey on grassland in Horton Plains National Park,Sri Lanka
- Growth and production of Sphagnum mosses from Takadayachi Moor in Hakkoda Mountains,northeast Japan(2)Growth in length measured with a point level method
- Dispersability of dimorphic seeds in Impatiens noli-tangere and I. textori(Balsaminaceae)
- Dimorphic seeds and population structure of Xanthium occidentale in dam reservoir and river population
- The Effects of Weight and Burial Depth on Germination of Xanthium occidentale Bertol. Seeds
- Geomorphological and pedological characteristics in relation to habitat of Erythronium japonicum in hills
- 八甲田山地における第四紀堆積物の花粉分析〔英文〕
- 八甲田山地における第四紀最末期堆積物の花粉分析〔英文〕
- 土壌腐植層における花粉の堆積〔英文〕
- ブナ林土壌の花粉分析〔英文〕
- 天然林および天然生林下土壌の花粉分析〔英文〕
- 土壌および泥炭中の花粉の保存について〔英文〕
- The effect of temperature fluctuation on germination of Commelina communis
- Size structure and seeding recruitment of Lysichiton camtschatcense population