Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology | 論文
- [Plant Biotechniques Series (8)] AFLP (Amplified Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism)-Based mRNA Fingerprinting
- Production and Characterization of Transgenic indica Rice Plants Carrying Maize Ac-Ds Elements Introduced by Particle Bombardment
- Use of Green Fluorescent Protein as a Molecular Tag of Protein Movement In vivo
- In Vitro Response of Commercially Valuable Cultivars of Morus Species to Thidiazuron and Activated Charcoal
- Plant Biotechnology of Tropane Alkaloids
- Effect of High Sorbitol Concentration on Protoplast Isolation from Cotyledons of Mangroves, Avicennia marina and A. lanata
- Molecular Cloning and Sequencing of an Allium macrostemon cDNA Probably Encoding Oxidosqualene Cyclase
- Large-scale Sequencing of Meiosis-associated Genes from a cDNA Library of Lily Microsporocytes
- Difference in the Ability of Initiation and Maintenance of Embryogenic Cultures among Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) Seed Families
- Transformation of Chilli Pepper (Capsicum frutescens) with a Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase Gene
- Characterization of Chilli Pepper hairy Roots Expressing the Parsley PAL2 cDNA
- Regulation by External and Developmental Signals of the RA V2 Gene Encoding a DNA Binding Protein Containing AP2 and B3-Like Domains
- Characterization of a Meiosis - Associated Heat Shock Protein 70
- Efficient DNA Minipreparation by Modified Benzyl Chloride Method from Hairy Roots of Ajuga reptans to Detect rolB Gene from Ri Plasmid
- Inhibitory Effects of p-Hydroxybenzyl Alcohol on Somatic Embryogenesis in Carrot Cell Cultures
- Stability of Luciferase Gene Expression in a Long Term Period in Transgenic Eggplant, Solanum melongena
- Expression and Function of a Hybrid Bt Toxin Gene in Transgenic Rice Conferring Resistance to Insect Pest
- Analysis of the Mitochondrial and Chloroplast Genomes Associated with Stamenless-type Cytoplasmic Male-sterility in Tomato
- Effect of Sugars on Rooting of Shoots of Japanese Persimmon Propagated in vitro
- Physiological Function of a Respiratory Complex, NAD(P)H Dehydrogenase in Chloroplasts : Dissection by Chloroplast Reverse Genetics