JALT | 論文
- Idioms: description, comprehension, acquisition, and pedagogy (Dilin Liu)
- Exploring gaps in teacher and student EFL error evaluation
- Japanese language teaching: a communicative approach (Alessandro G. Benati)
- Exploring second language classroom research: a comprehensive guide (David Nunan & Kathleen M. Bailey)
- Revision of a criterion-referenced vocabulary test using generalizability theory
- Teaching academic writing (Patricia Friedrich, ed.)
- Reviews: Tasks in second language learning (Virginia Samuda & Martin Bygate)
- Reviews: Shogakusei ni eigo wo oshierutowa? Ajia to nihon no kyouiku genba kara (Kawahara Toshiaki)
- Researching and analyzing vocabulary (I. S. P. Nation and Stuart Webb)
- Talk in two languages (Joseph Gafaranga)
- 外国語教室における「失敗」となった質問の修復
- Perspectives: To challenge the unchallenged: potential of non-"standard" Englishes for Japanese EFL learners
- Discursive practices in language learning and teaching (Richard F. Young)
- Narrative identity in English language teaching: exploring teacher interviews in Japanese and English (Patrick Kiernan)
- Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking (I.S.P. Nation and Jonathan Newton) and Teaching ESL/EFL reading and writing (I.S.P. Nation)
- Research forum: Is grammar anxiety hindering English speaking in Japanese students?
- Teaching English language learners through technology (Tony Erben, Ruth Ban, & Martha Castaneda)
- Perspectives: JALT Journal turns 30: a retrospective look at the first three decades
- The place of culture in teaching English as an international language (EIL)
- 京大学術語彙データベース基本英単語1110 "The Kyoto University data based list of 1,110 essential academic words" (京都大学英語学術語彙研究グループ+研究社)