Iop Publishing Ltd | 論文
- Local properties, bialgebras and representations for one-dimensional tilings
- Two-electron capture with emission of one photon in fast collisions between a highly charged ion and a light atom
- Structure of liquid metals by ab initio molecular-dynamics simulations
- A new method for detecting vacuum leakage of a pressure sensor using a pulse discharge technique
- Multi-indexed (q-)Racah polynomials
- Krein-Adler transformations for shape-invariant potentials and pseudo virtual states
- Multi-indexed Wilson and Askey-Wilson polynomials
- Candidates of Hα Emitting Regions in the Magellanic Stream IV Cloud
- A precise method for detection of vacuum leakage in a pressure sensor using a pulse discharge technique, for industrial use
- Kinematics and excitation of the ram pressure stripped ionized gas filaments in the Coma cluster of galaxies
- A Keck/LRIS Spatially-Resolved Spectroscopic Study of a LINER Galaxy SDSS J091628.05+420818.7
- Suzaku view of X-ray Spectral Variability of the Radio Galaxy Centaurus A : Partial Covering Absorber, Reflector, and Possible Jet Component
- Sub-nanometre Double Shearing Heterodyne Interferometry for Profiling Large Scale Planar Surfaces
- Highly Energetic Expansion of SN2010bh Associated with GRB 100316D
- GRB 071112C: A Case Study of Different Mechanisms in X-ray and Optical Temporal Evolution
- Coulomb focusing effect on the space distribution of the rescattering electron wavepacket in the laser–atom interaction
- Carrier-envelope phase dependence of nonsequential double ionization of H2 by few-cycle laser pulses
- Coherent phonon-induced optical modulation in semiconductors at terahertz frequencies
- The one-loop effective action in φ4 theory coupled non-linearly with the power of the curvature and the dynamical origin of the cosmological constant
- Colour superconductivity and the radius of a quark star in the extended NJL model by using the dimensional regularization