Elsevier B.V | 論文
- Occupation time theorems for one-dimensional random walks and diffusion processes in random environments
- Hybrid theory of the dynamical mean field and the spin fluctuations in strongly correlated electron systems
- A simple tight-binding model description of the conduction band of the Kondo insulator YbB_
- Interleukin-1 inhibits voltage-dependent P/Q-type Ca2+ channel associated with the inhibition of the rise of intracellular free Ca2+ concentration and catecholamine release in adrenal chromaffin cells
- Involvement of the cerebellum in classical fear conditioning in goldfish
- Non-linear pharmacodynamics in a non-viral gene delivery system: Positive non-linear relationship between dose and transfection efficiency
- Epitaxial growth of Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al Heusler alloy thin films on MgO (001) substrates by magnetron sputtering