Association of Urban Housing Sciences | 論文
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- The Macro Trend of the Construction of Three-story Detached Houses in Tokyo Metropolitan Area and its Factors
- A Study on the Planning of Court and Public in Makuhary Town Patios
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- Study on Co-housing of elderly people in Norway
- A study on "Silver Housing":Present situation and evaluation of SH residents
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- Changes of the Development Control in Tokyo Metropolitan Area An analysis of Development and Planning Guidelines
- On the conditions for continuing group living:A study focusing on small homes for the aged in depopulated areas in Hiroshima Prefecture
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- Through seen urban residents dwelling history: The heritage and changes in their housing form and way of dwelling:A case study of two generations of a family from the southern region of Korea
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- The calculation of the vintage life cycles by the cases of building structure of Apartment in the Midtown of 3 areas (Minato-ku, Chuou-ku, Chiyoda-ku):By the field investigations of the Midtown areas