Association of Urban Housing Sciences | 論文
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- A Study on Planning and Design Criteria for Multi-purpose High-rise Apartment in Korea
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- The Change in Affordability of the Rent before and after the Renovation of the Housing and Developement Corporation's Housing Complex
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- Changing of the Housing Plicy in Russian Federation
- Residents' Preference on cooperative Reconstruction in the Densely Built-up Area:Case Study of Kyojima District in Sumida Ward
- The effects of lage-scale development projects on the surroundings of the Urdanization Control Area:A case of Saitama and Ibaraki Prefectures
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- Comparative Study on Outdoor Activity in 1973, 1985 and 2000 at Row House Districts
- A Case Study of the Kinship Relations and Housing Needs an Housing Reconstruction Process after Hanshin-Awaji Disaster
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- A Study on the Changing Life-Style and Housing Needs of Japanese Modern
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