高知大学大学院黒潮圏海洋科学研究科黒潮圏科学編集委員会 | 論文
- 私の海藻食論 : My Sea-vegetarianism
- Status of Elvers Fisheries in Cagayan Province, Luzon, Philippines
- Inventory and Biodiversity of Medicinal Plants from Tropical Rain Forest Based on Traditional Knowledge by Ethnic Dayaknese Communities in West Kalimantan Indonesia
- Sequence-based Phylogeography of Seaweeds : How Current Distribution is Shaped by Accumulation of Past?
- Summary Report of the 6th International Kuroshio Conference : Ecosystem management and Conservation towards Sustainability in the Kuroshio Region
- Community Structure of Macroalgae of Lagonoy Gulf, Bicol Region, Philippines
- 藻類の抗アレルギー、抗糖尿病、抗腫瘍作用 : 持続型社会を目指して
- Socioeconomic Conditions and Governance in the Atulayan Bay Marine Protected Area
- Marine Resources in Areas along the Kurushio in the Cagayan Valley Region, Philippines
- 地域の食料自給率の重要性と高知県室戸市における魚介類の地域食料自給率の推定
- Biological Interactions during the Life History of Seaweed ―A Microscopic Review―
- 新たな研究教育施設「横浪林海実験所」の紹介と展望
- Environmental Education Rooted in the Local Area of Kashiwajima Island, Otsuki, Kochi
- Maritime Policies for the Protection of the Coastal Environmet in the Philippines ―with reference to Seaweed-based Ecosystem in the Marine Protected Area―
- Recent Changes in the Distribution of Sargassum species in Kochi, Japan
- Coastal Environment and Seaweed-bed Ecology in Japan
- Summary Report on the Joint Kuroshio Workshop
- Seaweed-associated Fishes of Lagonoy Gulf in Bicol, the Philippines ―with Emphasis on Siganids (Teleoptei: Siganidae)―
- 海産バイオマス(ナンキョクオキアミ、Euphausia superba Dana)資源の多次元利用
- 高知県仁淀川における森林土壌からの栄養塩供給および微細藻類へのその影響