Seaweed-associated Fishes of Lagonoy Gulf in Bicol, the Philippines ―with Emphasis on Siganids (Teleoptei: Siganidae)―
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Lagonoy Gulf is a major fishing ground in the Philippines. It is large (3071 km2) and deep (80% of its area is 800-1200 m) where channels opening to the Pacific Ocean are entrenched. Its annual fishery production of 26,000 MT in 1994 slightly decreased to 20,000 MT in 2004. During the same 10-year period, catches of higher order, predatory fishes decreased and were replaced by herbivores and planktivores. Scombrids such as tunas and mackerels composed 51-54% of total harvest. Of the 480 fish species identified in the gulf, 131 or 27% are seaweed-associated or these fishes have utilized the seaweed habitat for juvenile settlement, refuge, breeding and feeding sites. The seaweeds occupy solely distinct beds (e.g., Sargassum) or overlap with seagrass and coral reef areas. About half of all fishes (49.6% or 238 species) are coral reef fishes. The most speciose fish genera are Chaetodon (19 spp.), Lutjanus (18 spp.), Pomacentrus (17 spp.) and Siganus (14 spp.). Among them, Siganus (Siganids or rabbitfishes) is the most speciose, commercially-important genus contributing 560 mt-yr-1 to the total fishery production, including about 60 mt siganid juvenile catch. In recent years, there has been a continuing decline of siganid juvenile production. The major reasons are unregulated catching of juveniles and ovefishing of pre-adults and adults. The paper provides a general discussion about the diversity, fishery status and seasonality of occurrence of siganid juveniles, particularly along San Miguel Island, where most (90%) of the juvenile harvest originates. It concludes with recommendations (including on marine protected areas ) and research needs toward sustaining the resource.
- 高知大学大学院黒潮圏海洋科学研究科黒潮圏科学編集委員会の論文
- 2008-03-21
高知大学大学院黒潮圏海洋科学研究科黒潮圏科学編集委員会 | 論文
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