近代英語協会 | 論文
- Finite and Non-Finite Clauses in 15th Century English
- The progressive in Jane Austen's works: subject-types
- A feature-based analysis of negative polarity items and its consequences
- Gradual parametric change?: revisiting the loss of non-nominative Experiencers of like
- A Syntactic Approach to the Present Perfect Puzzle in the History of English
- "the+河川名"の史的展開
- "It is a pity/shame..."構文の発達
- シェイクスピアにおける法助動詞MAYと主観化
- 書評 田島松二責任編集『わが国における英語学研究文献書誌1900-1996』
- 追悼文 天野さんを偲んで
- The Lexical/Functional Distinction in the Nominal System
- Joan C. Beal, English Pronunciation in the Eighteenth Century Thomas Spence's "Grand Repository of the english Language"
- 初期近代英語の母音の異形
- 書評 Laurel J. Brinton and Elizabeth Closs Traugott Lexicalization and language change
- Chaucerのcomment clause--韻律と意味の融合
- 書評 Mugglestone (2006) The Oxford history of English
- 初期近代英語における奪取,分離を表す二重目的語構文
- Susan Pintzuk, Phrase Structures in Competition: Variation and Change in Old English Word Order
- 書評 宇賀治正朋『英語史』(現代の英語学シリーズ8)
- Pursue,persecuteと関連語彙--借入語の文脈