近代英語協会 | 論文
- On Case Licensing of Infinitival Subjects in Middle and Modern English
- Current Feature Theory and English Phonology
- The Resultative Construction in the Elizabethan Period
- 書評 Donka Minkova and Robert Stockwell (eds.) Studies in the History of the English Language: A Millennial Perspective (Topics in English Linguistics 39)
- 標準英語の歴史的考察--標準古英語を中心として
- 書評 Olga Fischer, Muriel Norde and Harry Perridon (eds.) Up and down the Cline--The Nature of Grammaticalization
- 書評 Donka Minkova Alliteration and Sound Change in Early English
- 書評 Michiko Ogura Verbs of Motion in Medieval English
- A usage-based analysis of the distribution of forth in the history of English
- Enjambment in Emily Dickinson's poems
- Roger Lass, Historical Linguistics and Language Change
- 集合数詞manyの史的発達
- There接触節と関係代名詞の顕在化--ナーサリー・ライムの場合
- 書評 Tony Bex and Richard J. Watts(eds.) Standard English: The Widening Debate
- 書評 Claudia Claridge Multi-word Verbs in Early Modern English: A Corpus-based Study (Language and Computers: Studies in Practical Linguistics No.32)
- 書評 Olga Fischer (2007) Morphosyntactic change
- 書評 Bettelou Los The rise of the to-infinitive
- The Rich Agreement Hypothesis and the Loss of Verb Second in English
- Features vs. Constraint Hierarchy: Verb Movement in English
- An analysis and history of sentential not