農業施設学会 | 論文
- A Study on Particle Movement and Distribution of Brown Rice and Rough Rice on a Shaking Tray of a Rice Separator.
- A Simple Method for Measuring the Growth of Hairy Roots with a Computer Vision System.
- An Experiment of the Heat Transfer of Single Kernel
- The Selective Gas Permeability of the Biodegradable Zein Films.
- Study on Causes for Muddy Ground and their Countermeasures around the Cattle Housing Area.
- An Experiment of Heat Transfer in Packed Bed of Grain
- Biogas Production from Cow Slurry using A Two-phase process.
- Study on Odor in Barn. (II). Mass transfer coefficients of ammonia on swine manure.:Mass transfer coefficients of ammonia on swine manure
- Effects of Multiple Feeding on Biogas Production using A Compartment-type Plug Flow Digester.
- Studies on Control Systems of Greenhouse Environment(Part I). Extraction of Know-how of Tomato Cultivation in Niigata Prefecture.:Extraction of Know-how of Tomato Cultivation in Niigata Prefecture
- A Study on Application of Neural Network to Livestock Management System(I). Growth Prediction of Swine.:Growth Prediction of Swine
- Development of Whole Surface Image Capture Technology for Green Soy Bean Pod
- Performance and Evaluation of Vegetable Binding Tape
- A Snow Melting Method Using Exhaust Warm Air from Livestock Buildings.
- Improving the Final Sorting of Green Soybean using a Sorting Bench
- Study on Odor in Barn. (III). The emission rate of ammonia from swine manure and the emmitted volume.:The emission rate of ammonia from swine manure and the emmitted volume
- Studies on Grain Storage by Steel Silo (I):On the Temperature, Moisture Contents and Deterioration of Grains
- Development of a New Reactor Alternated the Conventional Activated-Sludge Process for Livestock Wastewater Treatment. (Part I).
- Studies on Control Systems of Greenhouse Environment. (Part II). Calculation and Control of Set-points for Tomato Cultivation by Fuzzy Theory.:Calculation and Control of Set-points for Tomato Cultivation by Fuzzy Theory
- Pattern Information of Tomato Nursery Plants' Protein Spots under the Different Light Distributions