社団法人 環境科学会 | 論文
- Estimation of Environmental Concentrations of 1,4-Dichlorobenzene in the East Kanagawa Prefecture.
- NO2 Concentration in the Conservation and Exhibition Environment of Cultural Properties and Its Effects on the Fading of Dyed Fabrics
- Enzyme Activity of River Sediment as an Indicator of Microbial Decomposition
- Soil Degradation. Soil Degradation and Desertification in Arid and Semi-arid Regions.
- Preparation of Activated Carbon from Food Waste by Chemical Activation with K2C03
- Material Cycle in Peri-Urban Area: Estimation of Nitrogen Flow in the Yamato River Basin in Nara City
- Food Supply and the Nitrogen Cycle in Japan.
- Precautionary Framework and Societal Governance of EMF issue
- 森林情報を用いた木質ペレット販売原価の試算
- 森林情報を用いた木質ペレット販売原価算出方法の検討
- Effect of strong magnetic field on Euglena gracilis.
- Decomposition of organophosphorus insecticides under alkaline condition
- Research on modeling of soil acidification mechanism.
- Comparative Study on Atmospheric Corrosion of Steel in Indoor and Outdoor Environments.
- Water Quality of Acid-Rain Leachate from Representative Soils in Watershed of Lake Biwa.
- タイトル無し
- Supply and demand analysis of compost for effective use of various organic wastes in Aichi Prefecture.
- Approach for integrated evaluation of urban environment
- On the interference of NOx with the photochemical oxidant monitoring in the urban atmosphere and its correction procedure
- Multielement Analysis of Fly Ash Samples by Plasma Spectrometry and Evaluation of Enrichment Factors.