東北英語教育学会 | 論文
- 小学校外国語活動の特徴 : 他教科・ソーシャルスキル・学級経営との関わりから
- The Differential Effect of Written Languaging on Output Tasks and Subsequent Input
- 英語教育におけるカリキュラム改善の実践的考察 : 「授業研究」から「カリキュラム改善」へ
- The Relation of Lexical Constraints and the Parsing of Prepositional Phrases : From the Perspective of Japanese EFL Learners' Working Memory Capacity
- Testing the Aspect Hypothesis: The Acquisition of Progressive Marking by Japanese Learners of English
- The Effect of an Output Task on L2 Acquisition : Does task difficulty make a difference?
- 小学校外国語活動のねらいについて
- 外国語e-learning教材の学習効果--山形大学人文学部における事例
- Exploring university students' reactions to original content-based materials
- Analysis of referential expressions in written English narratives in terms of proficiency levels
- Analysis of Referential Expressions in Narratives in Terms of Japanese Transfer
- A Comparative Study of the Influence of Different Levels of Seniority on Attitudes towards Persuading and Being Persuaded in Japanese and English
- 基本五文型に関する一考察-- 学校英文法への応用
- A Comparative Study of the National English Tests of China and Japan--Analysis of the 1998 National University Entrance English Tests of China and Japan
- The causes of demotivation in English learning in junior high school and high school
- The relation of L2 working memory capacity of Japanese EFL learners with the resolution of lexical ambiguity
- Student Attitudes to a Dialogue Journal Project
- The debilitative effects of "listening stress": exploring its mechanism by stress-inducing experiment
- The Process of "Listening Stress": Preliminary Research on the Relationships with Ambiguity Tolerance and Strategy Use
- リスニングテストにおける音声聴取環境の公平性に関する考察