東北大学理学部附属原子核理学研究施設 | 論文
- 選択硫化を用いる使用済核燃料再処理法の研究 -236Puを添加したU3O8試料の調整-
- Response of Electron Calorimeters for SCRIT Experiments
- J-PARC 実験用ゲルマニウム検出器の波形読み出し法の開発
- Development of a Compact Silica Aerogen Cerenkov Counter
- Radiation Hardness Test of GaN Diode for Irradiation with High Energy Electron Beam
- Development of a Multi-Purpose Logic Module with the FPGA
- リチウムイオン電池負荷中のマンガンの光量子放射化分析
- Current Status of the Electro-Magnetic Calorimeter Complex FOREST
- Development of a Cryogenic Target System for the FOREST Experiments
- Energy Resolution of an SF-5 Lead Glass Cerenkov Counter