日本言語文化学会 | 論文
- Japanese university students' reactions to racial stereotype images in films
- Teaching "Winter Dreams" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- A Comparative Analysis of Dystopia in Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami and Nineteen Eightyーfour by George Orwell
- 教育実習録にみる「臨床」教育学的視座
- 子ども観転換の射程
- 臨床的英語教育学の構想
- 公立小学校での外国語活動における「ポスト・ネイティブ・モデル」の視座
- The Importance of Public Images in The Public Image and "The Black Madonna" by Muriel Spark
- 文体論研究(2)ShakespeareとMiltonの場合
- Japanese EFL students' difficulty in acquiring the use of casual conjunctives
- A Study of Implicature in Textbooksand Discourse in the Class of English
- A Study of Accereditation in American Higher Education
- Annotated Bibliography: Teaching Journals and Diary Studies in ESL/EFL Teacher Development
- A Cross-Linguistic Study on the Effects of Nonlinguistic Factors of the Selection of Count/Noncount Nouns in Measure Partitive Phrases
- Powerlessness in V.S. Naipaul's A House for Mr. Biswas and I.B. Singer's The Certificate: A Comparative Study
- Shimon Susskind as a "Conscience Figure"in Bernard Malamud's "The Last Mohican"
- A Study of Academically Deficient Degree-Granting Institutions and Their Threat to Nontraditinal Higher Education
- Communicative Activities in English Classroom
- Teaching English for Communicative Purposes
- Composition skills for academic writing