日本言語文化学会 | 論文
- An Analysis of Vocabulary Used in the Authorized Junior High School English Textbooks
- Quantitative Approach to Intercultural Communication : Perception on″Japanese″and″Japan″
- 妊娠・出産体験記の社会学的分析
- Zen as a legacy of Japanese culture: toward a new paradigm of looking at the world through an analysis of a Zen Koan (公案)
- Imaginary EEL Course Design for a Preparation of Academic Mainstream Environment
- Learning and Teaching of English Pronunciation:A Retrospection in Japan(Part 1)
- A Pronunciation Unit to Introduce the Use of Stress in the English Language
- 共通カリキュラム到達目標としてのCan-doリスト開発と実施の試み--2年目の実践
- A Critical Examination of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) writing Test
- 国語教育と英語教育の方法原理におけるインターフェイス--小学校における「伝え合う力」の育成と小学校英語活動とを検討して
- 「コミュニケーション能力」を高める学習方法の研究--「聴く力」をめぐって
- Grammar Teaching Approaches and Learning Styles
- A Pentadic Study of President Clinton's Speeches on the Tokyo Broadcasting System(TBS)News Program
- A Quantitative Relational Analysis in Triads: From the Case of Two Japanese-based Institutions
- Analyzing the Relationship between General Communication Theory and Intercultural/Cross-Cultural Communication Theory
- Interactive Reading Aloud and its Pedagogical Implications