日本蛾類学会 | 論文
- Records and descriptions of Blastobasidae(Lepidoptera)from Japan (Collection of Papers presented to celebrate Prof.Hiroshi INOUE′s Seventieth Birthday)
- 日本産ハマキガ亜科の5新種の記載〔英文〕
- Review of the clearwing moth fauna(Lepidoptera,Sesiidae)of Turkmenistan,Central Asia
- A contribution to the knowledge of the Oriental and Australian Brachodidae(Lepidoptera,Sesioidea)
- Two new species of Spaniocentra (Lepidoptera, Geometridae)
- Some new and unrecorded species of the genus Trichopterigia(Lepidoptera:Geometridae)from Taiwan (Collection of Papers presented to celebrate Prof.Hiroshi INOUE′s Seventieth Birthday)
- Notes on Hydatocapnia(Geometridae,Ennominae),with description of a new species from Taiwan
- Plutodes hermanowskii sp. nov., a new species of the P. costatus-group from the Philippines
- A new species of the genus Celenna Walker, 1861 (Geometridae, Ennominae, Hypochrosini) from the Philippines
- 日本産Phthonosema属とOphthalmodes属の幼虫
- クワエダシャクとその近縁種の幼虫〔英文〕
- 奄美大島産Cleora属の1新種〔英文〕
- 日本産Ectropis属の幼虫〔英文〕
- 日本のPeribatodes属について〔英文〕
- 日本産Protoboarmia属とHeterarmia属について〔英文〕
- ウスバミズエダシャクとその近縁種〔英文〕
- Menophra subplagiata(Walker)に近縁の台湾産3新種の記載〔英文〕
- 3新種と2新亜種を含む日本と台湾のハグルマエダシャク属〔英文〕
- A new species of Lampropteryx Stephens(Geometridae,Larentiinae)from Taiwan,with taxonomic notes on its allies from India and China
- Hypomesis cineracea(Moore)(シャクガ科,エダシャク亜科)に近縁のフィリピン産の1新種