日本蛾類学会 | 論文
- 1新種の記載を含む台湾のBoarmiiniに関するメモ
- ミンダナオ島産Cryptomedasina属の1新種(シャクガ科,エダシャク亜科)
- ハチノジクロナミシャク(シャクガ科,ナミシャク亜科)とその近縁種に関する分類学的知見
- ミャンマー産Psilalcis属(シャクガ科,エダシャク亜科)2新種
- Notes on geometrid moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from Nanling Mts, S. China(3)
- Redescription of Paraplastis hampsoni Swinhoe (Lepidoptera : Arctiidae)
- Cabera insulata Inoue ミスジコナフエダシャク(シャクガ科エダシャク亜科)は独立種
- A new species of Pseudopanolis from Nanling Mts., South China (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)
- 東南アジア産の半水生蛾ウキクサヨトウ(新称)とその特異な蛹
- Bombyx flavomarginata Poujade, 1886: a limocodid species misplaced in the Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae)
- A new species of the genus Orthocraspeda Hampson (Lepidoptera, Limacodidae) from Thailand
- Two new species sibling to Ghoria albocinerea Moore from South China (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae: Lithosiinae)
- Records and descriptions of the Boarmiini (Geometridae, Ennominae) from Nanling Mts, S. China (part 4)
- Two new species and one new subspecies of the genus Hypomecis Hubner (Geometridae, Ennominae) from Sulawesi and the Philippines
- Descriptions of five new species of the genus Cleora Curtis (Geometridae, Ennominae) from the Philippines and Indonesia
- Further notes on the genus Trabala(Lepidoptera:Lasiocampidae)from the Philippines (Collection of Papers presented to celebrate Prof.Hiroshi INOUE′s Seventieth Birthday)
- Synonymic notes on the herminiine moths(Noctuidae) of Japan,with descriptions of three new species
- Selected Bibliography of Hiroshi Inoue (Collection of Papers presented to celebrate Prof.Hiroshi INOUE′s Seventieth Birthday)
- 日本産Megabiston属の1新種:アシズリエダジャク(新称)
- アシズリエダシャクの雌の発見