日本比較教育学会 | 論文
- Alternative Schools under the Education Inspectorate in the Netherlands:Are They Controlled or Supported?
- Coordination and Reforms of Secondary Schools in Switzerland
- The Argument Regarding Schooling for British Muslims
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- タイトル無し
- Independent Chinese Secondary Schools in Malaysia: Chinese Vernacular Education under the National Educational Policy
- Educational Research System in Sweden
- Adaptation of the Oversea and Returning Japanese Children
- Impressions and Activities of Returning Asian Students from Japan
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- A Comparative Study on Higher Education Reforms in Australia and Britain:the transformation process from a binary system to a unitary one
- OECDにおける教師教育政策の課題と動向--School-Focussed INSETをめぐって (教師教育政策の課題と動向に関する比較研究)
- 研究計画と問題提起 (教師教育の基本的方向に関する比較教育学的総合研究)
- Federal Research System of Education in the United States
- Comparative Studies on Problems and Trends of the Policy for Teacher Education The Prospect of Promoting "School-Focussed INSET" in Japan
- 1. Research Plan and Proposal
- タイトル無し
- Regional Quality Assurance Activity in Southeast Asia:Characteristics and Driving Forces
- On the Status and Appointment Procedures of Foreign Professors at National and Public Universities-a Comparative Perspective