日本微生物生態学会 | 論文
- Splicing of a Bacterial Group II Intron from Bacillus megaterium Is Independent of Intron-Encoded Protein
- Characterization of Multi-antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli Isolated from Beef Cattle in Japan
- Effect of Salinity on Hydroxylamine Oxidation in a Marine Ammonia-Oxidizing Gammaproteobacterium, Nitrosococcus oceani strain NS58: Molecular and Catalytic Properties of Tetraheme Cytochrome c-554
- Application of Locked Nucleic Acid (LNA) Oligonucleotide–PCR Clamping Technique to Selectively PCR Amplify the SSU rRNA Genes of Bacteria in Investigating the Plant-Associated Community Structures
- An Assessment of Urea-Formaldehyde Fertilizer on the Diversity of Bacterial Communities in Onion and Sugar Beet
- An Assessment of the Diversity of Culturable Bacteria from Main Root of Sugar Beet
- A Comparative Study of the Bacterial Community in Denitrifying and Traditional Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Processes
- Erratum to: Isolation of Fucosyltransferase-Producing Bacteria from Marine Environments
- 深海の微生物共生系の謎に迫る(扉を拓く-活躍する若手)
- 研究の山脈を作る(大会への招待状)
- 研究道中膝栗毛 : 落ち込むこともあるけれど,私は元気です(扉を拓く-活躍する若手)
- VOL.6 大滝宏代(スポットライト : イケメン&イケジョ)
- 第21回国際環境生物地球化学シンポジウム参加報告(国際学会見聞録)
- ランチョンシンポジウム「アクティブな研究生活をサポート! 育児・キャリアアップ世代を生き抜く仕事術」開催報告(学術交流と発信の現場から)
- 微生物生態学とバイオインフォマティクス(扉を拓く-活躍する若手)
- 地道にそして発想の転換を(世代を超えて)
- VOL.8 吉田奈央子(スポットライト : イケメン&イケジョ)
- Iron-Oxide Minerals Affect Extracellular Electron-Transfer Paths of Geobacter spp.
- Variation and Phylogeny of Fusarium oxysporum Isolates Based on Nucleotide Sequences of Polygalacturonase Genes
- Seasonal and Spatial Variation of Bacterial Community Structure in River-Mouth Areas of Gokasho Bay, Japan