日本循環器学会 | 論文
- Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society
- Preface (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on prognosis and rehabilitation of conduction disturbances)
- 肝硬変症の心筋糖質代謝に関する病態生理学的研究-前・後-
- Management of complete A-V block by means of artificial pacemaker (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on prognosis and rehabilitation of conduction disturbances)
- ST.T change and abnormal T loop (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on electrocardiogram and vectorcardiogram which of ECG and VCG is superior in diagnosis)
- 室負荷心電図の臨床的研究-1・2-
- Discussion (Natural hirsory of cardiac diseases coronary insufficiency(シンポジウム))
- 循環器疾患の遺伝と環境因子(シンポジウム-3-) (第36回日本循環器学会総会(抄録))
- 右室中隔心内膜下興奮様式に関する研究
- The Cornell Medical Index in patients with a concave RS-T elevation in mid-and left precordial leads and new questionnaires specially designed for actual neurosis.-1・2-
- A case of acute myocardial infarction with initial ST segment depression.
- The application of phonocardiogram in clinics.
- Operative indication for rheumatic heart disease from the standpoint of long-term follow-up results (Panel discussion on Operative indication for rheumatic heart disease referred to the long-term fellow-up observation)
- Graft replacement in venous system (Symposium on clinical study on vessel surgery)
- Chemical evaluation of the distribution of catecholamines in the heart
- Study for etiology of nephritis,1,2.
- Further consideration on a theoretic model of T-wave (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on electrocardiogram and vectorcardiogram which of ECG and VCG is superior in diagnosis)
- 人体毛細血管の臨床的研究
- Long-term results of cardiac surgery of atrial septal defect and tetralogy of Fallot.
- P32標識赤血球による循環血液(血球)量測定法に関する基礎的研究