日本循環器学会 | 論文
- Compatibility between electrocardiogram of the precordial leads and the orthogonal leads (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on electrocardiogram and vectorcardiogram which of ECG and VCG is superior i
- Muscle blood flow measured by Xe-133 clearance method and peripheral vascular diseases-1,2-
- The prognosis of myocardial infarction and the evaluation of anticoagulant therapy (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on the prognosis and rehabilitation of myocardial infarction)
- 結核菌に依る実驗的心筋炎に関する研究-第5・6報-
- Measurement of lead fields of orthogonal vectorcardiography.Especially of Takayasu lead system (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on electrocardiogram and vectorcardiogram which of ECG and VCG is supe
- 肝疾患患者の腎循環・電解質代謝並びにそれらに対する低酸素気呼吸の影響-前,後-
- 肝疾患患者の腎循環・電解質代謝ならびにそれらに対する低酸素気呼吸の影響-前,後-
- Discussion on function and structure of the cardiac muscle (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on function and structure of cardiac muscle)
- Utrastructure of the cell junction of heart muscle with special reference to its functional significance in excitation conduction and to the concept of"Disease of intercalated disc" (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事
- 老年者腎電解質(Na,K)代謝に及ぼす低酸素気呼吸の影響に関する臨床病態生理学的研究-前・後-
- 食塩高血圧に関する実験的研究-2・3-
- 単極肢誘導知見補遺-3-
- 肝臓の週期的容積変化と門脈圧の変動に就いて
- Diagnosis of myocardial infarction electrocardiograms,vectorcardiograms and its analog computer analysis (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on electrocardiogram and vectorcardiogram which of ECG and V
- Some properties of cardiac actomyosin-ATP system (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on function and structure of cardiac muscle)
- Prognosis of myocardial infaction with special reference to arrhythmias (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on the prognosis and rehabilitation of myocardial infarction)
- Long-term prognosis of myocardial infarction,with emphasis on recurrence (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on the prognosis and rehabilitation of myocardial infarction)
- 電気的収縮期間に関する研究-1・2-
- 電気的収縮期間に関する研究-3-
- Spontaneous restoration of normal conduction following complete A-V block produced by infarction of the conducting tissue in the dog,with some metabolic considerations (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposi