日本マイクログラビティ応用学会 | 論文
- 蛋白質の構造解析
- Furnace Technology for Experiments on Sounding Rockets : Directional Solidification of Al-cast Alloys in ARTEX
- 微小重力環境における植物の成長・分化 -3-Dクリノスタットを用いた解析
- The Opposed-Flow Flame Spread over Thin Solid Fuel in Finite Space under Normal and Microgravity
- 落下塔利用実験の手引き
- 3機関統合後のISS一般利用促進 : 教育・文化・民間の多様な分野によるISS利用
- 科振費による短時間微小重力場利用総合研究の概要
- The Effects of Gravity on Cryogenic Boiling Heat Transfer During The Tube Quenching at Low Mass Velocity
- Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Thermal Energy Transfer in Supercritical Xenon
- Feasibility Study on Thermal Management System Using Two-phase Fluid Flow for Laser Type Space Solar Power System
- Study on Characteristics of Thermo-Acoustic Streaming
- 微小重力実験の意義と産業利用-2
- Experimental Investigation on Waste Fuel Combustion using Microgravity Technique
- Effect of rotation on the equilibrium shapes and stability of liquid bridges in a lateral gravitational field
- Effect of eccentric rotation on the equilibrium shapes and stability of liquid bridges in an axial gravitational field
- 宇宙ロボットおよび宇宙用機構の微小重力実験
- Japanese Programs of Fundamental Physics and Chemistry in Space (特集2:微小重力環境を利用した基礎科学研究)
- Comparative Ground Experiment of GaSb:Te Melt Growth to the Space Experiment by Chinese Recoverable Satellite
- Study of Dendritic Growth in Electrodeposition under Microgravity Conditions
- Metastable Phase Formation from Nd-Dy-Fe-B Undercooled Melt