日本マイクログラビティ応用学会 | 論文
- Microgravity Experiments on Thermocapillary Flow Phenomena:Examples and Perspectives (日本マイクログラビティ応用学会第15回学術講演会(JASMAC-15))
- 抑制されたg-ジッター下における拡散・対流現象
- 過冷融液の微視的密度ゆらぎとそれに及ぼす重力対流の効果 (特集:「散乱法の応用」)
- Space-DRUMS--A Dynamically Controlled Multi-Beam Acoustic Levitator-Positioner (特集:「浮かせる」)
- Use of Traveling Magnetic Fields to control Melt Convection
- Sixtyfive in Retrospect and Prospect
- 国際宇宙大学について
- Quenching Experiments at Reduced Gravity
- Optical Cells for Study of Water Properties Near its Liquid-Gas Critical Point
- The MASER Microgravity Sounding Rocket Program and the Ongoing Mission MASER-11
- In-situ Investigation of Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation in Hypermonotectic Alloys
- GCB (Granada Crystallization Box) を利用したNASDA技術開発タンパク質宇宙実験
- Effect of Gravity on the Measurement of Contact Angle of Drop on a Solid Surface
- Measurement of Dynamic Contact Angles in Microgravity
- The Capillary Flow and Reorientation of Liquid-Gas Surface in Interior Corner under Microgravity
- Growth Processes in Macromolecular Crystallization (特集 ICCG-13)
- Microgravity Research Activity in Japanese Community
- Review of Reduced Gravity Boiling Heat Transfer : European Research
- 超音波加振下における気泡の非線形振動と気泡間相互作用
- Foam Research in Microgravity