日本コンピュータ外科学会 | 論文
- The Development of 4D Muscle Model for 4D Quantitative Movement Analysis
- Open MRI Compatible Endoscope Manipulator for Transnasal Neurosurgery
- Development of a Hydraulically-driven Flexible Manipulator for Neurosurgery
- Clinical Application of a Surgical Navigation System for Thoracoabdominal Aortic Replacement
- Operating Assisted Imaging from Surgeon's Point of View
- Development of a Compact Automatic-Focusing System for a Neurosurgical Laser Instrument
- The Surgeon-Robot Interface for Controlling the Position of a Laparoscope
- Contact Force Measuring System for Force-Feedback on Surgical Robot (2nd report)
- A Remote Surgery Experiment between Japan-Korea using the Minimally Invasive Surgical System
- Characteristic Analysis of LLaser Guidance and Development of its Monolithic Integrated System with a Three-dimensional Position Sensor
- Visualization of Biological Information and Computer Integrated Medical Systems
- Integration of Pre-and Intra-Operative Image and Spatial Data for Computer-Assisted Surgery
- Accuracy Evaluation of Navigation System During Neurosurgery at Open MRI Theater and Improvement of its Maneuverability
- Integration of Customized Navigation Software for Real-Time MR Image-Guided Surgery
- Navigation Surgery Using an Open MR System
- 肝臓を用いた集束超音波の基礎的検討: Cavitation Suppression Techniqueの効果
- 本邦におけるロボット手術の導入と今後の展望
- 病院船の概要と課題
- 仮想化内視鏡による手術支援 (CAS Young Investigator Award受賞者論文)
- 画像誘導定位脳手術のための穿刺ロボットシステム