広島大学英文学会 | 論文
- Three Wives in The Tragedy of Mariam the Fair Queen of Jewry
- 書評 Carolyn Jess-Cooke: Short cuts: introduction to film studies, Shakespeare on film: such things as dreams are made of London and New York: Wallflower Press, 2007. 125pp
- Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan形成の背景--書簡等の根本資料から (小泉八雲再評価への試み(シンポジウム))
- Dr.Johnson and the Auxiliary Do
- Shakespeare通信
- The Anatomy of Seventeenth-century Providence
- Speech and Interaction in Small Group Discussions--Among Japanese Learners of English
- The Use of Bid as a Functionalized Verb in Chaucer
- Radical Tragedy : Religion, Ideology and Power in the Drama of Shakespeare and his Contemporaries (Sussex: The Harvester Press Limited, 1984, pp. 271+Notes, Bibliography, Index)
- Mary Beth Rose, The Expense of Spirit: Love and Sexuality in English Renaissance Drama (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988; xi+240pp., including Index)
- イギリス演劇史の最初の女性作家,エリザベス・ケアリの主体のあり方について--Tragedie of Mariamのコ-ラスにおける父権制社会との交渉を通して
- 書評 Michael Toolan: Narrative: A critical Linguistic Introduction Second Edition (London and New York: Routledge, 2001)
- 身体/社会の断片化と想像力--Our Mutual Freind
- F.L.Lucas:Style(Cassell,1955)
- Donald F.Bond,ed.;The Spectator,with an Introduction and Notes,1965
- 19世紀におけるlook-formsの文法化に関する社会言語学的考察
- ペトラルカ「詩集」研究--とくにラウラの象徴
- エドナ・オブライエンの母と子のテ-マについて--Time and Tideにおけるの受容
- About the Revisions of the Salisbury Plain Poems
- イエイツとアレゴリ- (アレゴリ-特集号)