広島大学英文学会 | 論文
- Anti-Courtly Poet?: Wyatt's Ambivalence Towards Power in His Satires
- The Destiny of the Maid: On Measure for Measure
- Dickens and Class:Social Mobility in Our Mutual Friend
- George Eliot and Evangelicalism
- Jane Austen′s Use of Must in Combination with Other Auxiliaries
- "Who Will Know of Our Grief?": Ezra Pound, World War 1, and the Composition of Cathay (特集:英米文学における戦争と平和)
- A Textlinguistic Analysis--Narrative Structure of Picaresque and Philosophical Novels
- Leaps and Lapses in Thomas Hardy′s Language
- "Glosyinge is a glorious thyng": Chaucer's Rhetoric, Manuscripts and Readers
- Marloweの言語的創造--その批評の方向
- H. G. WellsのThe Island of Doctor Moreauにおける自己と他者の境界線
- Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Inscape of Self:The Making of "Spelt from Sybil′s Leaves"
- T.S.Eliot′s"Journey of the Magi"--Journey of the Soul to the Still Point
- Wilfred Owen's war poetry: pity, beauty and horror of the transitional poet
- Recognition and Ambivalence in Marina
- Two Notes on Emblematic Imagery in Marvell′s"Fleckno,an English Priest at Rome"
- Aaron's Rod断章--作品と人間Lawrence
- The Man Who Diedについて--宗教的であることとその表現
- D.H.ロレンスの故郷を訪れて(英国だより)
- Daughters of the Vicar考--主題と方法