広島大学教育開発国際協力研究センタ- | 論文
- 国際教育協力ネットワーク事業再考--アジア・太平洋地域におけるアペイドの評価と課題
- タイにおける「キット・ペン」学習概念の理論と実際--多元的特性に着目して
- Creating programs for Africa's urban youth: the challenge of marginalization (Special issue: Vulnerable, excluded, invisible & ignored: the margins of education for all)
- Effective aid modality for funding "soft" investments and global public goods in education: the Norwegian Education Trust Fund (NETF) (Special issue: Education aid effectiveness: the need to rethink the allocation of education aid to enhance its impact)
- Public Expenditure on Education and Resource Management: Case of Zambia
- Analysis of the factors that explain the non-completion of the curriculum: a study of the teaching time in primary schools in Madagascar (Special issue: Quality of education in Africa: Africa-Asia university dialogue for basic education development (2))
- Conditional cash transfer programs for vulnerable youth: Brazil's youth agent and youth action programs (Special issue: Vulnerable, excluded, invisible & ignored: the margins of education for all)
- Building networks for knowledge-exchange and peer learning in science and mathematics education within SEAMEO member countries and beyond: the role of SEAMEO RECSAM (Special issue: Education aid effectiveness: the need to rethink the allocation of educati
- Developing Research Skills in Mathematics, Science and Technology Educators in Southern Africa: The Role of a Professional Organisation (SPECIAL ISSUE: International Cooperation in Science and Mathematics Education in Africa)
- 留年・中途退学問題への取り組み--日本の歴史的経験
- へき地教育振興のための政策と取り組み--日本の経験
- 二部制方式による学校運営の実態と問題点--日本の経験
- わが国の基礎教育援助タブー論の歴史的ルーツ
- 開発途上国における二部制授業と学力確保のジレンマ--南米チリの挑戦
- International Development and Science Education: Issues and Considerations
- Radio literacy and life skills for out-of-school youth in Somalia (Special issue: Vulnerable, excluded, invisible & ignored: the margins of education for all)
- 貧困地区における基礎教育の質的改善への課題--チリのP-900プログラムの実証的分析から
- 南アフリカ共和国における教育の現状と教育協力・援助の必要性
- 調査研究報告 我が国の理数科教育協力についての現状・課題・展望--日本科学教育学会第23回年会:JSSE/ICASE/PME合同国際会議参加報告
- タイ国地域総合大学における現職教育大学院の整備状況と問題点--教育行政専攻大学院に対する実態調査を通じて